Discover the Benefits of Keratoconus Cross Linking

At Dr Joanne Goh, we specialise in providing cutting edge treatment for keratoconus, a progressive eye disease that affects the cornea. To cure the gradual thinning and bulging of your cornea into a cone-like shape, keratoconus cross linking is one of our most effective treatments. This advanced procedure helps to strengthen and stabilise the cornea, preventing further deterioration and improving vision. 

What is Keratoconus Cross Linking? 

Keratoconus cross linking is a minimally invasive procedure designed to halt the progression of keratoconus. During the procedure, a combination of riboflavin (vitamin BS) drops and ultraviolet (UV) light is used to reinforce the collagen fibres in your cornea. This strengthens the corneal structure, reducing the risk of vision impairment. 

Related Services 

In addition to keratoconus cross linking, we offer a range of other eye care services, including: 

Custom Contact Lenses: Specialised lenses designed to improved vision for keratoconus patients. 

Comprehensive Eye Exams: Routine check-ups to detect and manage eye conditions early. 

Corneal Transplant Surgery: For advanced cases where other treatments might not suffice. 

Why Choose Dr. Joanne Goh? 

  • Advanced Technology: Our clinic is equipped with modern technology to provide precise and effective keratoconus cross linking treatments. We continuously update our techniques to offer the best outcomes for our patients. 

  • Expertise and Experience: Dr. Joanne Goh is a renowned specialist in the field of ophthalmology, with years of experience in performing keratoconus cross linking. Her dedication to patient care ensures effective treatment results. 

  • Personalised Care: Every patient’s eyes are unique, and so is their condition. Dr Joanne Goh tailors each treatment plan to suit individual needs, ensuring optimal results and patient satisfaction. 

Experience the difference in your vision with Dr. Joanne Goh’s expert care. Take the first step towards clearer, healthier vision. 

Visit TODAY to schedule your consultation. 


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