Ditch the Glasses and See Clearly with PRK Laser Eye Surgery

The sight of tossing your glasses on the nightstand and waking up to clear vision — pure freedom, isn’t it? PRK laser eye surgery can make that a reality. It is a safe and effective option for correcting common vision problems like short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. It reshapes the cornea, the clear dome at the front of your eye, to bring your vision into focus.

Unlike LASIK, PRK doesn’t involve creating a flap in the cornea. Instead, the surface cells are gently removed, and the excimer laser precisely corrects your vision by reshaping the underlying corneal tissue. This makes PRK a good choice for people with thin corneas or those who participate in high-contact sports.

Considering PRK Laser Eye Surgery?

  • Safe and Effective: Dr Joanne Goh is a highly qualified and experienced ophthalmologist specialising in PRK surgery. She uses the latest technology and methods to achieve optimal results for her patients.
  • Trans-PRK Technology: Dr Goh utilises the Schwind Amaris 1050RS excimer laser, allowing for a single-step, “no-touch” procedure. This minimises discomfort and leads to a quicker recovery time.
  • Personalised Care: Dr Goh understands each patient’s vision needs are unique. She will discuss all your options thoroughly and recommend the most suitable procedure for you.

Why Choose Dr Joanne Goh for PRK Laser Eye Surgery?

  • Experienced and Qualified: Dr Goh has extensive experience performing PRK surgery and is committed to providing the highest quality care.
  • Advanced Technology: She uses the most advanced laser technology for precise and gentle treatment.
  • Focus on Patient Comfort: Dr Joanne Goh prioritises your comfort throughout the entire process, from pre-operative consultations to post-operative care.
  • Transparent Pricing: Dr Goh’s clinic provides clear information about PRK laser eye surgery costs during the consultation.

PRK Laser Eye Surgery Cost

The cost of PRK laser eye surgery can vary based on the complexity of your particular case. Dr Goh’s clinic will provide a personalised quote during your consultation. They offer various payment options to make this life-changing procedure accessible.

Ready to See Clearly?

Schedule a consultation with Dr Joanne Goh today to discuss your suitability for PRK laser eye surgery and take the first step towards a glasses-free vision!


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