Get Rid of Unsightly Eye Pterygium with Dr Joanne Goh’s Treatment


Are you struggling with an unsightly growth in your eye? A pterygium can cause discomfort, affect your vision and even damage your cornea. Luckily, Dr Joanne Goh offers expert and reliable pterygium treatment in Melbourne, helping you eliminate this frustrating condition and restore your vision and self-esteem.

Pterygium Removal Surgery: What You Need to Know

When it comes to pterygium treatment, removal surgery is often the most effective and recommended approach. Here's what you should know:
  • Pterygium removal surgery is a day surgery that can be performed under local anaesthetic, with a light sedative to keep you calm and relaxed.
  • The surgery involves removing the pterygium and using a conjunctival graft to cover the gap where the growth was. This reduces the chances of recurrence to less than 10%.
  • Pterygium removal surgery takes about 30 minutes, but you should allow at least 2 hours at the day surgery clinic for post-operative recovery.
  • After eye pterygium surgery, your eye will be padded up, and you may experience some blurriness and discomfort. However, your vision should improve by the next day.
  • You must use antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drops to prevent infection and assist with healing.

Why Choose Dr Joanne Goh for Pterygium Treatment?

Dr Joanne Goh is a trusted and experienced ophthalmologist passionate about helping patients achieve optimal vision and eye health. Here are some reasons why you should trust her for pterygium treatment:
  • She has extensive experience in pterygium removal surgery, using state-of-the-art techniques and equipment for the best possible outcomes.
  • She takes a personalised and compassionate approach to care, taking the time to understand your unique needs and concerns and explaining every step of the process.
  • She provides a comfortable and welcoming environment, with a friendly and supportive team dedicated to making you feel relaxed and confident throughout your treatment journey.

Book Your Pterygium Treatment Consultation Today

Don't let a pterygium affect your vision, comfort and confidence any longer. Contact Dr Joanne Goh today via book a consultation for pterygium treatment in Melbourne, Victoria, and take the first step towards a clearer and brighter future for your eyes.


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