What is Keratoconus and its Treatment?

 Keratoconus is a serious, but preventable condition that slowly takes away your ability to see. The cornea where light enters and forms an image begins thinning out until it becomes cone-like in shape ( Keratics). This process may start when we're young. During this time there may not yet be any symptoms so you would never know unless something unusual happened with the vision. 

When the cornea is not in its proper shape, it can bend light and cause visual problems. These include blurred vision as well seeing things at different distances. 

Keratoconus can be a difficult condition to live with, but there are treatments out there. In the early stages of keratoconus your doctor might prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses to correct our visions. Unfortunately this isn't enough as this progressive eye diseases always have worsen effects! 

Contact lenses can be an effective treatment for keratoconus. Rigid (hard) or hybrid contacts may be prescribed. It is particularly beneficial in masking the abnormal shape of your cornea while improving vision. But they do not stop progression, so you'll eventually run into trouble wearing them!

Corneal ring segment is a type of keratoconus surgery and one of the most effective treatments. This type surgery involves clear plastic pieces being inserted into your eye to shape it like you want. This corrects any refractive errors that may have been caused by this condition!

Contact Dr Joanne Goh for more information on Keratoconus surgery https://www.drjoannegoh.com.au/keratoconus-treatment


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