
Showing posts from May, 2022

Laser Cataract Surgery: Everything You Should Know

  Do you have cataracts? If you are over 50 years old and have trouble reading or seeing distances, you may have cataracts. Cataracts are prevalent – more than half of all Americans will develop them by age 80. Laser cataract surgery is a new, advanced treatment for cataracts. It uses a laser to break up the cloudy lens inside your eye, and then a tiny camera is used to suction the lens fragments out. The entire procedure takes about 15 minutes, and many people don’t even need glasses after the surgery. Laser cataract surgery is the latest technology to remove your cataracts and improve your vision. You may be able to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, your dependency on glasses – particularly for reading and distance. The natural lens shows discolouration as a cataract progresses, and vision becomes blurry. Here are some of the signs of a cataract:  The vision becomes blurred and cannot be corrected even with glasses Reading small letters becomes difficult Colours look faded Driv